About Us

About the Costume Tee Brand

About the founders

Our Inspiration



Costume Tee is run by husband and wife duo, Jeremy & Jessica, and here is a little bit of and introduction about why they started Costume Tee.

Over the years (yes we have been around for a while) we have gone to many Costume, or Dress Up parties. We always dreaded getting the invite, with a little disclaimer at the end saying "come dressed as your favourite Disney Character", or "come dressed as what you wanted to be when you were young". The reason for this is we knew we'd be racking our brains trying to think of something that would be easy to find, not expensive, and something that wouldn't leave us looking like complete idiots!

Most of the time we actually really enjoyed the party, but it was the stress of finding a costume beforehand that often put a damper on everything. Being graphic designers, we thought "Hey, let's design our own costume in the form of a tshirt, and then add some extra simple accessories!" we liked the idea because:

  1. We knew it would be comfortable.
  2. It was easy
  3. We could order it online and didn't have to go out searching for it
  4. We'd still be making an 'effort' for the party!